Best Projects


AV7SEARCHITON is an search engine which gets data from google and wikipedia and displays it to the user accordingly. It has both web based and desktop platforms

Covid Cases Counter

Covid Cases Counter is an app which gives the record of cases in India state-wise. It works in both platforms. It is updated the moment data is updated on the gov. site.


AV7 BANK SIMULATION SYSTEM is a web based product that would simulate basic banking aspects and thus help the people working in banking field to somewhat extend.

Pong Game

Pong Game is a remix of the classic game made in p5.js framework. It is a fun to play game is accessible through the web.

Github Web Link
Maths Quiz

MATHS QUIZ is an small mathematical quiz created by javascript. This is only accessible through the web pr the shared .apk file made out of the webpage. It consists of question for grade 6-7-8, With open-sourced questions and negative markings for every questions.

SDG Website

A website made on the 17 goals with little content of all goals and a detailed link.

Github Web link
Scratch Projects

I have a collection of 23 scratch projects.

More upcoming

More projects are on the way. Can you gess what is the next one?